SVETLANA ELANTSEVA      - Inghilterrra / Russia - 

telephon + 44 7851 759 761




        1. Svetlana Elantseva Southorn
Memory of my childhood , 2017
Mixed media on wood
For Christmas when I was 6, I asked for a doll. In the weeks before Christmas, the biggest present I’d ever seen to date was wrapped in the corner of the living room, it even was too large to fit under the tree. I hoped beyond hope that I knew what it was. On Christmas Day, I opened it, there stood a beautiful tall doll made in Germany , name Lika.. O my God ! I have almost fainted with happinessю My parents probably used all the money they could for it because we did not have a lot of toys in shops that time (Soviet time). 2001 I visited my mother and I decided to take my doll to U.K. Just as a memory of my childhood and I found out that my has thrown out a doll. It was a shock for me. I felt as if I have lost the best friend. Several month ago I decided to make this picture. Just for a memory to Lika and my childhood.

2. My sad Angel. Anna and Amedeo. 2017
Mixedd Media on Wood
artist :Svetlana Elantseva
'Paris is in dark mist
And probably again Modigliani
Imperceptibly follows me.
He has a sad virtue
To bring disorder even to my dreams
And be the reason of my many misfortunes.'
( Anna Akhmatova)

In 1910 Russian poet Nikolai Gumilev brought his young wife, also a poet, Anna Akhmatova, to Paris. The couple came on their honeymoon.
At six feet tall, raven-haired and ravishingly beautiful, 21-year-old Anna Akhmatova proved something of a sensation when she arrived in Paris – people would turn to look at her in the street.
Being poets of some repute in their native Russia, headed straight for Montparnasse, then the favoured haunt of the Parisian avant garde. Here they mingled with the penniless painters, sculptors, poets and composers.
One such artist was the 25-year-old Italian Jew Amedeo Modigliani. With an aristocratic Roman nose, a strong jaw and a mop of jet-black hair, he enchanted Anna, and the two became inseparable.
“We both did not understand one very important thing – everything, that happened, was for both of us a pre-history of our lives – his, very short, and mine – very long.” (Akhamatova)
In 1911 Akhmatova came back to Paris by herself. She stayed for several months this time and wrote a poem about their love, Heart to Heart Is Never Chained. The final stanza reads, “Why, oh why, should I find you/Better than the one I chose?”
On one occasion she visited Modigliani, but found him absent. “We had apparently misunderstood one another so I decided to wait several minutes,” she said. “I was clutching an armful of red roses. A window above the locked gates of the studio was open. Having nothing better to do, I began to toss the flowers in through the window. Then without waiting any longer, I left. When we met again, he was perplexed at how I had entered the locked room because he had the key. I explained what had happened, 'But that’s impossible – they were lying there so beautifully.’”
Madigliani died on 22 January 1920 of tubercular meningitis in a hospital for the homeless , aged 35.
In November 1965, shortly after being allowed to travel to England to receive an honorary doctoral degree from Oxford University, Akhmatova suffered a heart attack and died in age 76.

3."Мystery of Grigory Rasputin's death: myths and indisputable facts.' Mixed Mrdia on Wood , 42 - 55 cm ,2017
Sometimes critical turning points in history are overlooked; pivotal moments are ignored or simply forgotten. But every now and then a web of deceit is deliberately woven around an event. Leaving its true significance concealed so that future generations remember it only as a piece of insignificant trivia, or maybe an item of lurid scandal, rather than a momentous historical episode.
One such example is the life and more particularly the death of Gregory Rasputin.
His name has almost become a byword for mystery and debauchery but Rasputin’s role in the events leading up to the Russian revolution remains essentially obscured. In effect a legend has grown up around the man but the reality may be far more intriguing than the popular myth.
For Rasputin’s murder (Prince Yuspov) may have set the stage for some of the most significant events of the 20th century and ultimately resulted, indirectly, in the deaths of many millions more.
Despite claims that British intelligence wanted to get rid of Rasputin because he was urging that Russia make peace with Germany, his murder was probably part of a longer term and altogether more sinister agenda.
Prince Yuspov was probably first spotted a few years previously while he was at Oxford University, which like Cambridge had become a fertile recruiting ground for British Intelligence. Not only was Prince Yusopov the second richest man in Russia, after the Tsar, he was also close to Russia’s imperial family and as such would have been viewed as a potential asset to be groomed for later use.
On the night of December 29, 1916, a group of conspirators, including the czar's first cousin, Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich, and Prince Felix Yusupov, invited Rasputin to Yusupov's palace and fed him wine and cakes laced with cyanide. Though Rasputin eventually became rather drunk, the poison seemed to have no effect. Baffled but not deterred, the conspirators finally shot Rasputin multiple times. He was then wrapped in a carpet and thrown into the Neva River, where it was discovered three days later.
There were two officers of the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in Petrograd at the time. Oswald Rayner knew Yusupov since they had met at University of Oxford. The second SIS officer in Petrograd at the time was Captain Stephen Alley, born in a Yusupov Palace near Moscow in 1876, where his father was one of the prince's tutors. .
On Rayner's return to England, he not only confided to his cousin, Rose Jones, that he had been present at Rasputin's murder but also showed family members a bullet which he claimed to have acquired at the murder scene. "Additionally, Oswald Rayner translated Yusupov’s first book on the murder of the peasant, sparking an interesting possibility that the pair may have shaped the story to suit their own ends."
Living out the role of the “man who killed Rasputin”, Yusopov was to tell numerous stories about the event. Often contradictory, they served to throw a veil of disinformation and deceit about the actual killing. For although the ageing homosexual and transvestite implied that Rasputin was secretly in love with him, which is probably yet more disinformation, never once did he even hint at the involvement of the British Secret Intelligence Service in Rasputin’s murder. Like the good intelligence asset he was, that secret went with Prince Yussopov to the grave.
Shortly before Rasputin's death, he wrote to Nicholas to predict that if he were killed by government officials, the entire imperial family would be killed by the Russian people. His prophecy came true 15 months later, when the czar, his wife and all of their children were murdered by assassins amidst the Russian Revolution.
4.Rowley's House in Shrewsbury ,
Mixed Media on Wood,44 - 34 см, 2014
Rowley’s House in Shrewsbury is one of the town’s best-known timber-framed buildings. The complex actually comprises two adjoining buildings, one of which is timber-framed (originally built as a merchant's warehouse in the 16th or early 17th Century) and the other a stone and brick building built around 1618 (the mansion of the merchant William Rowley) Rowley’s Mansion is also the earliest surviving example in the town of the use of brick to build a house. The buildings
are among the finest in Shrewsbury

5.Svetlana Elantseva Southorn
Firs Iron Bridge in Europe, Shropshire,
Mixed Media on Wood, 44 см -34 см ,2014
The Iron Bridge is a bridge that crosses the River Severn in Shropshire, England. Opened in 1781, it was the first arch bridge in the world to be made of cast iron, and was greatly celebrated after construction owing to its use of the new material.
Первый металлический мост в Европе " Железный мост в графстве Шропшире" ,
 смешанная техника на дереве,44 - 34 см, 2014
В 1778 году , Абрахам Дарби III, из чугунного литья построил в Шропшире знаменитый Железный мост, первый мост в Европе, полностью состоящий из металлических конструкций. Мост соединяет берега реки Северн и причислен к объектам мирового наследия ЮНЕСКО

6.Tragic Dance of Life
Mixed Media on Wood 50- 30 смб 2016
When Russian poet Sergei Esenin first met Isadora Duncan , he knew immediately that he had to do something . Something really striking and expressive. He swore loudly, said, ' Everyone, out of the way!'and performed a wild, foolish but passionate dance for Isidora. Then he fell to his knees. Isadora stroked his head and said , ''Angel''.She looked into his eyes and said , ''Devil!''And so they declared their love.
Трагический танец жизни
Айседора Дункан знала от силы пару десятков слов по-русски, удивительно, но этого крохотного словарного запаса с лихвой хватило на то, чтобы при встрече с молодым русским поэтом восхититься: «Ангель». А заглянув в его глаза, прошептать: «Тчорт».


Some of my Art work takes influence from my life in Russia.The processes explore different ways of working and incorporating techniques observed, photographed and documented during my life in Moscow, the South of Russia, and the Ural region. My translation of ideas, designs and imagery are used for painting , collages, 3D seramic sculptures, photographs and films.The colours used for the sculptures and some paintings evoke the feel of Russia.

I was born in Russia. I worked as a member of a team of artists producing communist Soviet- style art until the event of Perestroika.
In England I finished a BTEC in Fine Art, a Foundation Degree in Creative Art for Employment at Staffordshire University followed by a BA HONS in Entrepreneurship for the Creative and Cultural Industries( Fine Art) at Staffordshire University.

I am seeking to expand my art locally and internationally using heritage and cultural influence as a vehicle for expressionism forging links between cultures via the medium of art.
My paintings and ceramic figures are instantly recognisable as being of a Russian style, through the colours and the way they are used together. Throughout my life and travels I always feel a connection to my home land.This develops my way, my art, where I pay homage to my heritage, country and its ways of life.
Formally I have already forged links between my local art community, UK artists and profesional Russian artists by forming the Art International Group organising exhibtions to express diversity and understanding.
In the process of my new project I have explored mediums and methods of interacting to exhibit art work both technilogicaly and traditionally using heritage as the fundimental link for the mediums of expression.
The endeavor of maintainig culture through art in the context of heritage is something that I have a deep affinity for, embracing my cultural background in my works through the heartfelt reaction to my diaspora from my homeland.
I shows my pictures around the world. My artworks are in private collections in U.K. ,Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, USA, China, Germahy,Greece,Canada, South Africa, Belorussia, Ukraine, Austria ,Slovenia, Serbia and South Korea.
I am a member of The International Federation of Artists, Russian Society of Professional Artists, Member of SOLO Group,The Visual Art Network Society, The Shropshire Art Society and I am working as a director of The Art International Group.